IMAGE OF THE MONTH Vote for you favourite image and enter your details below for your chance to receive a complimentary photoshoot at Peekaboo by Xposure! OUR SESSIONS IMG_9441 IMG_9432 Heather Faulkner IMG_0359 ENTER First Name Last Name Your Email Phone Date of Birth Occupation Please select the image number you'd like to vote for —Please choose an option—12345678910 Would you like to receive a complimentary photoshoot from Peekaboo? —Please choose an option—yesno Why would you like to take part in a photoshoot with Peekaboo? Which type of photoshoot would you like? —Please choose an option—newbornfamilycakesmashboudoirmakeoverenchanted fairyCapow! Superhero Have you ever had professional photographs taken before? We love making your shoot personal to you! If selected, is there anything personal or unique to you that you would bring to the shoot? Props, outfits, maybe a theme? We want to hear about it! INFO@XPOSURESTUDIOS.CO.UKTEL: 0151 709 2348