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Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week


Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week.

This week is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week. It’s all about raising awareness of the emotions that come with pregnancy and motherhood! Talking about mental health is so essential to remove the stigma that comes with it!

We know first hand that there is a lot of pressure on new mums to be ‘perfect’ but we are here to tell you that no one is perfect. Whatever feelings you feel whilst pregnant or when entering motherhood; they are NORMAL!! Let’s normalise all the emotions that come with motherhood – positive and negative!!

People often tell you that you will instantly fall in love with your newborn baby as soon as they are placed on your chest after birth – Honestly, we think this can lead new mums into a false sense of security. If you do not feel this way straight away, do not feel guilty. We understand that all the emotions that come with pregnancy and motherhood are sometimes hard to explain. If you are struggling with your mental health, please confide in someone!

Your body has changed so much already, you have been through so much; it is completely normal to feel overwhelmed after birth. The main thing to remember is you are doing a great job and you exactly what your baby needs!

It can be hard to hear that things will get better and you will bond with your baby, but that is the truth! Take it slow, trust yourself and TALK to someone!! Research shows that 1 in 10 women experience postnatal depression  and have problems with maternal mental health, yet there is little help available, this is why it is so important to raise awareness of mental health during pregnancy!

If you or someone you know is struggling, please seek help! You are not alone!❤️

Useful Support links:

This website has useful links for any support you may need ; https://maternalmentalhealthalliance.org/resources/mums-and-families/
Tommy’s is a team of midwives that offer free support and information for families at any stage of pregnancy or after birth – https://www.tommys.org/pregnancy-information/im-pregnant/mental-wellbeing/getting-help-and-support-mental-health




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